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News Blog

Toilet Learning - a Family Evening with Elena Marouchos

News Newstead Early Education and Care recently hosted a 'Toilet Learning' night with Elena Marouchos, Mentor, Teacher and Learner of infant toddler pedagogy and philosophy.
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Building Resilience in Children

There’s a reason that resilience is one of the latest buzzwords regarding children’s well-being and development. And that’s because it’s a skill that will help them not just in their adolescence, but ...
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Practical Tips and Advice For The Parents To Be

On this page Preparing For Your Baby
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The Benefits Of Gardening For Children | Gowrie NSW

On this page Why Gardening Is Beneficial To Children How Does Gardening Help A Child Develop? How To Get Children Interested in Gardening Garden Safety for Children Plant Selections For Children ...
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Is Your Child Ready for Big School? | Gowrie NSW

On this page What is school readiness? Why is school readiness important? Factors that determine school readiness What are school readiness skills? Building blocks to develop school readiness How can ...
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A day at Gowrie NSW vacation care - what does it look like?

On this page Meeting new friends Discovering new skills Going on an adventure Winding down Time to go home Join in the fun What does a day at Vacation care look like? The fun starts here… Curious ...
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Play Ideas and Games for Toddlers - Gowrie NSW

Key Points Playing is good for so many things. For building confidence, learning how the world works, developing communication skills and empathy as well as helping them to feel happy, safe and ...
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What is Play Based Learning?

Key Points A play based program centres around the child's own discovery. For it to be successful, teachers need to create a safe and supported environment for children to explore and be themselves ...
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Rote Counting: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

Key Points Rote counting is a memory exercise and all about repetition. Children need to practise counting over and over again until they have committed the correct order to memory. There are a ...
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Gowrie NSW
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Oslo Lithgow
Early Education and Care
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Oslo Afterschool
Outside Hours School Care

Our programs are staffed by dedicated, qualified educators who encourage, guide and nurture the developing school age child into flourishing learners and contributors.

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Oslo Afterschool
Vacation Care
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