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Gowrie Consultancy: Raising the bar for your business

June 22, 2020

Gowrie Consultancy: Raising the bar for your business

As we know all early childhood services across Australia are required to display their National Quality Standard (NQS) rating. These ratings are published on government websites for the general public to view, allowing families to gain information about the childcare options available.

The purpose of the ratings system, which came into effect in 2012, is to help raise the quality of child care through a range of measures including better staff to child ratios, higher staff qualifications and an assessment and rating system design to promote continuous improvement.

Our consultancy services at Gowrie NSW aim to provide support for centres about to take part in an assessment and rating visit and help educators to articulate their practices and reflect on the requirements of the National Quality Standard (NQS).

Gardiner Early Education Centre in Bondi Junction achieved great success in their latest NQS rating, following a two-day consult with Gowrie NSW’s leading consultant, Stella Timpano.

Stella, with years of experience in early childhood settings and consultancy, worked with Gardiner Early Education Centre’s director Belinda Afonso, to assist the centre prepare for their upcoming assessment and ratings visit.

“I sat with Belinda and her team and helped them to consider the requirements of the NQS and also observed their current practices,” Stella said. “By doing this, I was able to identify the areas where they could make some adjustment to practices and build on what they were already doing.”

“I subsequently provided them with a practical and comprehensive report with recommendations that they could apply to their centre,” Stella added.

The centre received an ‘exceeding’ rating in all quality areas of the NQS, and give thanks to Stella for helping them achieve this rating.

“Stella’s feedback and support really helped us achieve this rating as she assisted us by identifying our developmental goals and putting together targeted strategies to address our goals,” Belinda said.

“Stella is a mentor who is able to inspire everyone to do their best. We will definitely request Stella’s services when we are next up for assessment and rating,” she added.

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