Gowrie NSW Blog

Celebrating two years at Newstead Early Education and Care

Written by Gowrie Marketing | Jul 23, 2024 2:49:53 AM

On a chilly Thursday evening, 18th July we celebrated a significant milestone - the 2nd birthday of Newstead Early Education and Care! Despite the Central West chill, there was a lot of joy, laughter, and community spirit as we welcomed families into the centre to share the occasion!

Shared Experiences with the Newstead Children

We kicked off our birthday celebrations by inviting families to experience the magic their children enjoy every day. Each room featured different learning experiences, allowing parents and siblings to engage in hands-on activities and chat with their child’s primary educator, and the Leadership team. You could feel the pride on the children’s faces as they showed off their favourite activities to their families.

Cake, Cake and more Cake!

The Atrium at Newstead is a truly spectacular place to gather, and the space where children enjoy their meals. To celebrate Newstead’s second birthday, families, children and educators sang Happy Birthday (loudly) - and their enthusiasm was contagious! This moment of togetherness captured the essence of our supportive and joyful learning environment.

Reflecting on Challenges

This celebration was especially meaningful given the challenges faced over the past year, including workforce shortages. Despite these hurdles, our team’s dedication and resilience ensured we continued to provide exceptional care and education. The 2nd birthday celebration was a chance to appreciate and celebrate our progress, relationships, and achievements.


"The last few months have been a little bit tumultuous and we wouldn't still be here without your support so thank you. We hope you are as happy coming here, as we are every day. So let's celebrate Newstead's second birthday!" Vanessa Coleman, Centre Director (in her speech)

Looking forward

As we move forward, we’re excited about creating more magical moments. Our commitment to providing a nurturing and engaging environment for every child remains strong. We’re grateful to our families, educators, and the Gowrie NSW community for their unwavering support.

Here’s to many more years of learning, laughter, and love at Newstead Early Education and Care. Thank you for celebrating with us and being part of our journey!



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