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News Blog

Children develop at very different rates, but there are a number of key milestones they hit along the way. How do children develop? What are the different challenges they may face? What should you look for, and when should you be concerned? Advice and insights for your parenting journey.

The Benefits of Consecutive Childcare Days

There's a broad consensus among early learning experts that children flourish when they attend high-quality early learning for at least two or more days a week. However, many families might not ...
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Sustainability, Humans and Nature at Erskineville Early Education and Care

The YarraYarra children, aged 3-5 at our Erskineville Early Education and Care Centre have been exploring sustainability and the interconnectedness between humans and nature. As part of their ...
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Gowrie NSW Program Foundations - a framework for curriculum and pedagogy

Gowrie NSW Program Foundations Our program is underpinned by 80 years of experience and leadership in early childhood education and care. Informed by global research and best practice, our programs ...
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Toilet Learning - a Family Evening with Elena Marouchos

News Newstead Early Education and Care recently hosted a 'Toilet Learning' night with Elena Marouchos, Mentor, Teacher and Learner of infant toddler pedagogy and philosophy.
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Building Resilience in Children

There’s a reason that resilience is one of the latest buzzwords regarding children’s well-being and development. And that’s because it’s a skill that will help them not just in their adolescence, but ...
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The Benefits Of Gardening For Children | Gowrie NSW

On this page Why Gardening Is Beneficial To Children How Does Gardening Help A Child Develop? How To Get Children Interested in Gardening Garden Safety for Children Plant Selections For Children ...
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Play Ideas and Games for Toddlers - Gowrie NSW

Key Points Playing is good for so many things. For building confidence, learning how the world works, developing communication skills and empathy as well as helping them to feel happy, safe and ...
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Fine Motor Activities for Preschoolers - Gowrie NSW

Key Points Motor activities help children develop their coordination and muscle movements to perform tasks, from lifting small objects like play dough to running around and kicking a ball. Fine motor ...
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The Benefits of Play Dough in Early Childhood | Gowrie NSW

Key Points Play dough provides a sensory experience that helps to develop fine motor skills, ease tension and improve imagination, aiding early childhood development in a playful way. Playing with ...
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Our programs are staffed by dedicated, qualified educators who encourage, guide and nurture the developing school age child into flourishing learners and contributors.

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