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Discover how curiosity inspires life-long learners

Media Release: Discover how curiosity inspires life-long learners

July 20, 2016: Children are born naturally curious. As we know, curiosity is a desire to learn and is the spark that helps children grow. For educators, fostering a child’s curiosity is one of the most important ways they can aid a child’s development.

“When children are encouraged to be curious, ask questions and are given the opportunity to discover the answer themselves, they are much more likely to embrace curiosity as an adult, continuing their learning for as long as they remain curious,” Maria Bennett, Children’s Services Manager at Campus Life, Macquarie University said.

“‘How does this work? What happens if I…? Is it possible to…?’ If we as educators, encourage young children to start ‘thinking in questions’ like these then we are fostering an environment of curiosity; an exciting place where the impossible becomes possible and where innovation becomes reality,” Ms Bennett added.

Ms Bennett said the In Pursuit of Playfulness, Curiosity and Innovation conference to be held by Gowrie NSW, UTS Child care and Campus Life (Macquarie University) on August 13th will explore ways in which educators can nurture curiosity and a desire to learn in young children that will encourage them to become intellectually stimulated, alert and engaged.

“It takes a lot of confidence as an educator to encourage children to question – many of us are concerned that we may not know the answer, not realising that it is actually okay not to have the answer as this just promotes more exploration and questioning, by both children and adults,” Ms Bennett said.

“Curiosity is not just for children! It is embedded in the National Quality Framework, articulated as ‘continuous improvement’ asking questions such as; Why do we do it? How can we change it? What can we do better?”

Every aspect of the conference program has a curiosity component attached to it. Whether it is a presentation on emotional resilience, leadership, mathematics, literacy, science, or enriching an infant’s day, attendees will not only discover how to foster curiosity in children but be encouraged to be curious themselves.

“We want to create an environment so that as children grow they become advocates for curiosity and so curiosity becomes acknowledged as one of the most important tools for learning,” Ms Bennett said.

The conference will be held on Saturday, 13th August 2016 (8:00am – 4:00pm) at The University of Technology, Sydney in the Aerial UTS Function Centre located within UTS Building 10 on Level 7, 235 Jones Street, Ultimo.

To learn more about the conference or to register visit

Media Contact: For media enquires please contact Gowrie NSW Marketing and Communications Manager Antonia Maiolo on 02 8571 9760 or email