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Inclusive Practice: Reflection in Action at Gowrie NSW

inclusive practice in early childhood education

At Gowrie NSW, inclusive practice isn’t just a buzzword – it’s at the heart of everything we do. Creating environments where every child and family feel valued and supported is a priority. But how do we ensure that our care is genuinely inclusive? It starts with ongoing reflection, followed by purposeful action. Let’s explore how reflective practice plays a pivotal role in the delivery of a child and family centred program. 

What is reflective practice?

Reflective practice is more than just thinking about what happened during your day. It’s a deep, intentional process where educators examine what they do, why they do it, and how their actions impact the children and families in their care. This process involves questioning your personal and professional responses to daily experiences, situations, and new information.

We know that reflection goes beyond surface-level thoughts. It involves digging into our own beliefs, values, and assumptions, and asking ourselves, "How do these influence the way I care for and engage with children and families?" Reflective practice is a powerful tool for growth, both as individuals and professionals.

How reflection shapes inclusion

Inclusive practice requires educators to consider how they design their environments and activities to ensure that all children are engaged and supported. Through reflection, you can assess how your actions and decisions impact children’s participation and involvement in your program.

Here are some key questions to guide your reflective process:

  • Who is your care environment designed for? Are all children, regardless of ability or background, able to fully engage?

  • What is the flow of your day? Are routines and transitions inclusive and accessible to every child?

  • How are children involved in the program? Are activities and spaces presented in a way that invites participation from everyone?

When you reflect on these elements, you begin to see areas for improvement, sparking action that leads to a more inclusive program.


Reflection is a way of learning more about yourself as an individual and as a professional so we can identify ways to move forward.

Reflection in action: Practical steps

So, how do you start reflecting and turning insights into action? It’s a simple process that begins with asking the right questions and documenting your findings. At Gowrie NSW, our Inclusion Team encourages you to continuously update your Strategic Inclusion Plan by seeking feedback and observing your daily routines.

Here are some practical steps to help you reflect and improve:


Making reflection a habit

Reflective practice shouldn’t be a once-a-year task. It needs to be ongoing. Make reflection a regular part of your routine by setting aside time each week or month to review your practices and the inclusivity of your program. Encourage your team to do the same, creating a culture of growth and improvement.

Here’s how you can make reflection a habit:

  • Team reflections. Schedule regular meetings to discuss what’s working and what’s not, focusing on inclusivity.

  • Personal reflections. Take time at the end of each week to jot down your thoughts on your interactions with children and families. What could you do differently?

  • Peer observations. Invite a colleague to observe your environment and provide feedback. A fresh set of eyes can offer valuable insights.

Ready to take action?

At Gowrie NSW, we believe that reflection leads to action, and action leads to more inclusive, supportive environments for every child and family. By committing to ongoing reflection, you’re not only improving your practice – you’re making a difference in the lives of those you care for.

Ready to reflect and take your inclusive practice to the next level? Start today by reviewing your routines, engaging with your Inclusion Professional, and documenting your insights. Small steps lead to big changes!

Let’s continue creating environments where everyone feels they belong.

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